Pastor Ramphy ta sirbiendo e Kurpa di Kristu pa mas ku 3 dékada na Hulanda, Curaçao i Bonaire. Na edat di 21 aña e tabatin su prome enkuentro ku Hesus Kristu;
Yamá for di un bida perverso den skuridat pa drenta den e lus di Dios.
For di e momento ei su bida no a keda e mesun kos mas! Ela sirbi komo lider di hobennan, ko-pastor, pastor, fundadó, ko-fundadó di iglesianan, edifikando lidernan i disipelnan, i a lanta un fundashon di ministerio di mucha na Curaçao.
Su esposa Exterlin ta den e ministerio pa mas ku 20 aña sirbiendo den diferente areanan di iglesia komo lider pa mucha i hobennan, atministrashon, ko-pastor, planifikashon i organisashon. Exterlin su pashon ta pa empoderá e Kurpa di Kristu ku e Palabra di Dios.
Deseo di nan kurason ta pa hòmbernan i muhénan di tur edat tin un relashon íntimo ku Dios komo nan Tata amoroso, Hesus Kristu komo nan Amigu i Salbador
i di ta yená i guiá dor di Spiritu Santu.
Pastor Ramphy & Exterlin ta e fundadónan di New Life Rivers.
Pastor Ramphy is dedicated to serve the Body of Christ for more than 3 decades in
The Netherlands, Curaçao and Bonaire. At the age of 21 he had his first encounter with Jesus Christ, called from a perverse live of darkness into the light of God. Since then his life has never been the same again! He served as a youth leader, co-pastor, pastor, founder and co-founder of churches, building up leaders and disciples,
and founder of a children ministry foundation in Curaçao.
His wife Exterlin has been in the ministry for more than 20 years serving within different church assignments as kids and youth leader, administration, planning and organisation. Exterlin loves to empower the Body of Christ with the Word of God.
Their heart's desire is for men and women of all ages to have a personal intimate relationship with God as their loving Father, Jesus Christ as their Friend and Saviour,
and be filled and led by Holy Spirit.
Pastor Ramphy & Exterlin are the founders of New Life Rivers.
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